Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Should hope lead to productivity?

I worked a half day yesterday planning to go go vote and then work from home for a few hours.

I voted and then went home to read blogs and scan the web for info about voter turnout and preliminary polls. Then at 7pm I started watching the numbers rolled in and didn't go to sleep until the tears stopped falling at the end of Obama's speech.

I am thrilled about the election outcome. It's going to be a long hard road to get things turned around but I feel like the people have really come together and that makes me optimistic and hopeful.

Now, I've been at work for 2.5 hours and I've done nothing but read blogs and newspaper articles. Now that I've been filled with hope, shouldn't I also be filled with the motivation to get some work done??

Maybe I need a good nights rest given that I haven't really slept in a couple of days. Maybe the formula is Hope + Sleep = motivation and productivity.

I'll have to let you know tomorrow.

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